Strikeforce 7

[Originally posted 26 August 2016]

I don't like Strikeforce chapter seven. I think the original events in the game were poorly thought out (by me), and when I looked back at it to write it out as a story I couldn't make it work in any sensible kind of way.

So my options were to omit the chapter entirely or to do a major rewrite of the "real" events. Missing out the chapter wasn't actually an option -- a major group of characters have to be introduced, The Defense [sic] League of America, and as they will play a part in several future chapters this initial meeting with Strikeforce had to happen.

So instead, I went for a re-write. The events you will read are not really what happened when we played the game, I've cut out some confusing elements and given a whole new explanation for the fateful meeting, but it's covering the same ground in broad terms. Some of my changes may cause some problems down the line, but I can anticipate them and accommodate them with more minor changes in future chapters. I'm happy that the integrity of the narrative is preserved.

But I'm still not happy with the chapter I've presented. Sorry if it reads poorly, but it's all I've got.

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